The advantages of our confectionery mixes

Professional confectioner chefs want to innovate more and manufacture new products by using their creative imagination in the field of production every day. However, there is no time left for creativity due to daily planned production. On the other hand, a large amount of electricity is consumed in the production of semi-finished products, preparation of which takes a long time, small and large production areas are supplied with more or less raw materials with different names, which take place in the field and require additional investment. As a BESTING company, we have created ready-to-use, economical and universal confectionery mixes, considering the difficulties and lack of time currently.

Biscuit mix with vanilla, biscuit mix with cacao, muffin mix with vanilla, muffin mix with cacao, wet biscuit mix with vanilla, wet biscuit mix with cacao, roll mix, waffle mix, donut mix and brownie mix.

Specialists to save your time and money have created all these assortments. Our confectionery mixes, most of which are universal, will ensure your production with a standard product and perfect taste for each use.

Confectionery Mixes
Confectionery Mixes
Confectionery Mixes
Confectionery Mixes
Confectionery Mixes
Confectionery Mixes
Confectionery Mixes
Confectionery Mixes

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